More than Just Skin Deep

pexels-photo-286951.jpegThe skin is the largest organ of our body. Actually, our skins are supposed to have an area of two square methres! It is one of the five sensory organs, and has receptors that respond to pain, temperature, and touch. Our skin protects our internal tissues and organs from injury. It has pigments which act as barriers to the harmful effects of radiation. And, according to an article I read on, there are some studies which prove that almost half the dust around our homes is actually comprised of dead skin! Yikes? Maybe not. Our skin has the amazing prowess to renew and replenish itself, and that’s the reason dead skin cells fall away. They are replaced by new, young cells.

I am sure we’ve all come across these expressions:

(to be) thick-skinned

(to be) thin-skinned

to be comfortable in one’s skin

to get under (one’s) skin

no skin off our backs

save somebody’s (or your own) skin

So, references to our skin have even found their way into idioms and phrases!

It is also a well-researched fact that most skin diseases are connected to other seemingly unrelated physical or mental conditions. A common example of the skin-mind connection is eczema and autoimmune skin diseases like psoriasis. Stress and anxiety make people susceptible to eczema and psoriasis flare-ups.

On a brighter note, pardon the pun, optimum physical and mental well-being shows on your skin. Your skin looks unblemished, your complexion clears up, and oftentimes, your face just “glows”!

So, your skin is literally a  ‘reflection’ of your state of health. However, genetics also play an important role. And genes don’t just determine the color of your skin, they also play a big role in how your skin ages.

That said, a consistent skincare routine — like the cleanser, toner and moisturiser regimen that so may women swear by — delivers rich rewards in the long run.Just by looking after one’s skin, one can maintain an even complexion, prevent discoloration, and delay those wretched wrinkles.

If a lady has youthful skin, we may say that “her skin belies her age”. This means, one’s skin gives away one’s age, and, if we don’t look after it, then wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and age spots can make us look older than we actually are.

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Moreover,  if the condition  of our skin was not undeniably important to our appearance, why would botox injections and dermal fillers be a worldwide obsession?These magic “Vitamin B” injections are pricey, hence requests for birthday botox. 38-year old moms, 40-plus corporate executives, and, as I read in a recent  article, even an 18-year old girl, request botox shots as presents. No wonder then, that the tongue-in-cheek name for botox is “Vitamin B”!

Because who doesn't love a little Botox!?


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